Moderation is the key to everything in life. This is true with sweeteners too. We have read and heard of all the dangers of Aspartame. Remember? everything CAN be dangerous. For example, studies have shown that fish is good for you; however, I have friends and family that have major allergic reactions to fish even to the point of not breathing! You might say, ?But these are isolated cases?? Well, let?s see what has been said about Aspartame. This page was titled: ?Aspartame ? Most dangerous of all sweeteners!? Here is the report by Dr. H.J. Roberts, Aspartame (NutraSweet) Is It Safe?, Charles Press, page 283/84.
?Aspartame, a dipeptide of aspartic acid and a methyl ester of phenylalanine, is approved for use in pharmaceutical products and is being used increasingly in chewable tablet and sugar-free formulations. Labels for both prescription and nonprescription products must include the phenylalanine content. The major consideration in the use of aspartame in children is in patients with autosomal recessive phenylketonuria. Although heterozygotes do not appear to have clinically significant increases in phenylalanine after ingestion of even large amounts (equivalent to 24 12-oz cans of diet beverages), homozygotes with strict dietary restrictions should avoid aspartame. Children without dietary restrictions could safely ingest 10 mg/kg/d. [37-40. Dietary consumption of aspartame is typically less than 5 mg/kg/d[41; young children, however, could ingest considerably more. For example, a 2-year-old child weighing 12 kg consumes 17 mg/kg from drinking one 12-oz can of diet soda and one serving of a sweetened product (eg, cereal, pudding, gelatin, or frozen dessert).
Headache is the most common adverse side effect attributed to aspartame but is seldom confirmed by single-dose double-blind challenge. Up to 11% of patients with chronic migraine headaches reported headaches triggered by aspartame; however, a double-blind challenge with three doses of 10 mg/kg given every 2 hours triggered no more headaches than did placebos in patients with vascular headaches believed to be exacerbated by aspartame. A small, double-blind 4-week trial showed an increase in frequency of headaches after ingestion of 1200 mg/d, indicating that a longer challenge period may be necessary. ?
In my next installment, we will finish looking at the report on Apartame and then begin to unpack the report and pull some very interesting insights out of the report. See you then!
Olan Butler is the Chief Architect of BHO Technologists, a computer productivity & organization software provider with headquarters in Kansas City. Join his FREE newsletter Computing Success Secrets for a steady stream of computer, health and overall life profiting tips. You'll be glad you did! Olan believes poor health produces poor computing. Olan also provides Computer Services in the Kansas City area.